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GameMoorLog in

descriptionourworld's connection Emptyourworld's connection

I'm having trouble trying to login into ourworld. "Says, oops we can't access our servers. please check your internet connection, but my internet connection is fine, what's going on?

descriptionourworld's connection EmptyRe: ourworld's connection

Same here. Mine keeps on getting stuck at the loading page and won't let me play Sad ourworld's connection Screen11

descriptionourworld's connection EmptyRe: ourworld's connection

yeah would be great to get xDovah or somebody to remind flowplay to fix this when they get the chance.

descriptionourworld's connection EmptyRe: ourworld's connection

This is obviously server-sided. I tried resetting my network and everything above and the whisper chat is getting worse every day, sometimes it doesn't send messages to the other users when they're scrolling around in chrome or a different web-browser. The client has so many issues that needs to be tweaked.

descriptionourworld's connection EmptyRe: ourworld's connection

Tankrawr wrote:
yeah would be great to get xDovah or somebody to remind flowplay to fix this when they get the chance.

Not gonna lie this made me laugh. Laughing

Yeah, ourWorld has had a good bit of connectivity issues lately for unknown reasons. As the support staff are only responding to critical issues, there doesn't seem to be a lot of communication coming from them on the matter. A little transparency would benefit players greatly.

descriptionourworld's connection EmptyRe: ourworld's connection

I wanted to chime in to say this has been happening regularly to me as well the passed few days.

descriptionourworld's connection EmptyRe: ourworld's connection

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